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- CHOOSE YOUR MISSION!Parish MissionSpiritual Gifts WorkshopEvangelization Workshop
Fr. Ben Missions, retreats & workshops provide people with an opportunity to encounter Jesus in a personal way and to equip them to become His disciples. By proclaiming the Gospel message, through preaching, teaching and personal stories, participants are led into a deeper spiritual growth and practical formation for a fuller participation in the New Evangelization.
Pope John Paul II indicated that the great challenge facing the Catholic Church today was to foster a “spirituality of communion” whereby Christians would be able to offer one another a deep and genuine friendship for healing, growth and effective mission. Our “God’s Joy Forum” initiative is the place where this can happen. Check it out!
God has been stirring the hearts of people and leaders in the Church to announce a new season for Evangelization. NEW in its methods and zeal as an initiative of the laity for our neighborhoods. Is your parish ready to become an evangelizing parish. Invite Fr Ben to facilitate a training workshop on this theme.