Trek across Northern Alberta in a CRV

 In Fr. Ben's Mission posting, Uncategorized

The Companions of the Cross had a great adventure in Northern Alberta in the Archdiocese of Grouard-McLennon this past Lent.   A little back-story is that a year and a half ago, I met Archbishop Gerard Pettipas at a conference near Edmonton, and he invited some CC priests to do a blitz of parish missions in his diocese.    Fr’s Michael Scherrey, Francis Ching, Francis Donnelly, Darren Bryk and myself headed out for two weeks of sharing faith and helping the people to encounter Jesus in the Holy Spirit. Many were touched by the love and mercy of God.  I had the opportunity to minister on three of the First Nations reserves and in the historical towns of Fort Vermillion and High Level.

Here are a couple pictures of Fr. Julien Benedict and the church in the First Nations community of Garden River.


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